Mining Industry
RISANSI INDUSTRIES LTD, has been a pioneer in introducing progressing cavity screw pumps (PCP) in the Coal Mining Industry in India. The first PCP in an underground Coal Mine was installed in 1979 for dewatering of underground channels as a face pump.
We provide PCP pumps for all applications in the Coal Mining industry such as Mine water with chips and grits, calcium carbonate paste, flotation slurries and suspensions, ore slurries. Apart from coal, the mining pumps work for mineral processing, slurry transfer, abrasive sludge dewatering, acid and chemical reagent dosing, water supply and boosting, and wastewater and tailing transfer.
In India, all Coal mines are nationalized. Coal India Limit. is one of the largest producers of coal in the world producing 452 million tonnes of coal per annum. We are a regular supplier to them for the last three decades. We control 90 market share in India.

Calcium carbonate paste
Dosing and waste water transfer
Flotation slurries and suspensions ore slurries
Mineral processing
Mine water with chips and grits
Our mining pumps work for abrasive sludge dewatering
Slurry transfer