Oil & Gas Industry
Risansi screw pumps are developed to match your requirements perfectly. Our Screw pumps have successfully pumped heavy crude oil for more than 30 years. The oil and gas industry is a complicated business that covers the discovery of underground reserves to their recovery, gathering, refining, manufacturing, transport, storage and eventual marketing. Throughout this massive production and supply chain, pumps are required to move fluids and gases to and from numerous points. For many years, screw pumps have been the choice of fluid transfer applications in oil and gas industry.

Calcium Cup Grease
Crude oil & water transfer
Cutting oil
Diesel fuel
Drilling Mud
Fuel oil Heavy oil
In Oil & Gas production
Lube Oil
Multiphase fluid transfer
Offshore oil transfer
Oil & Wax mixture
Oil Sludge for API
Paraffin Wax
Polymer flooding
Tar Wax
Screw pumps fulfill the requirements for pumping crude oil